If you have any questions or concerns about the material in this report, please contact Dr. M. N. Barsoum at 517.546.4680.
The editor of this report is very concerned about the rise of breast cancer plaguing our mothers, daughters and loved ones in our communities. Cancers that could have been detected earlier, much earlier, but instead resulted in fatalities.
Doctors and researchers all agree that until a “cure” is found, “EARLY DETECTION IS THE BEST WAY TO PREVENT AND BEAT BREAST CANCER”.
We know every woman must be equipped with the tools, knowledge and education to mount the best defense against the biggest killer of all cancers among women. This report may serve as a “nuclear-weapon” in your arsenal against breast cancer.
The information you are about to read offers the GREATEST HOPE in which the field of breast cancer detection has ever seen.......PLEASE READ ALL OF IT!!
CAUTION: Your doctor (i.e., OB/GYN, Internist, etc.) may not be familiar with any of the information contained in this report (you’ll discover why). And that’s why he or she may not have mentioned it or recommended it to you.
The information is extracted from over 50 years of published and peer-reviewed journal articles and studies. That’s over 800 published items from sources that include The New England Journal of Medicine (NEJM), The American Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology, The Breast Journal, The American Journal of Roentgenology, Lancet, and Cancer; and researchers from Harvard Medical School (Boston, MA) and Albert Einstein Medical Center (New York City).
The technology that is discussed here is FDA TESTED AND APPROVED (and has been for over 20 years) and is NOT NEW OR EXPERIMENTAL.
All the information within this report is referenced (and listed for you at the end of the report) and further research may be done...we encourage it.
Finally, while reading, please think of your mother, sisters, daughters, aunts, nieces and friends and consider how this information may help save their lives.
The Information You Are About To Read Is Undeniable And Must Be Shared With Everyone You Know… Including Your Doctor!
Simply stated, cancer is a parasite. It is a mass of genetically malfunctioning cells with excessive uncoordinated growth. Its growth is completely independent from all normal regulatory functions of the host and maintains law and order in its own terms.
To keep things simple, breast cancers emerge due to a combination of genetics, carcinogens, immune responses, hormones, and tissue composition. The breasts are composed of lobes, lobules, ducts, glands, and a high concentration of blood vessels and fat cells. Many of these tissues in the breast have receptors for the hormone estrogen, which makes them a target for the hormone’s influence. Some of this is good and some bad. Of particular interest are the fat cells. Fat cells both produce and breakdown estrogen. The chemical breakdown reaction (known as aromatization) of estrogen produces carcinogenic (cancer causing) byproducts. As a result, the carcinogens effect the DNA of nearby cells which can cause them to mutate into cancers. Research has shown that some women’s breasts are more susceptible than others to the effects of estrogen and its byproducts.
HOW DOES THE CANCER GROW? – Before a cell can become cancerous, the tissues surrounding it start to create new blood vessels. To sustain the rapid growth of these pre-cancerous (and cancerous) cells, a constant supply of nutrients are needed. In order to maintain this supply, the “BAD” cells release chemicals into the surrounding area, which keep existing blood vessels open, awaken dormant ones, and create new ones (This is known as Angio-genesis which means New Blood Vessel Growth). The rich vascular beds in the breast provide the conditions necessary for the growing tumor’s needs… These blood vessels work hard and fast to carry nutrients to the newly formed and extremely hungry cancer cells. What happens when you're in hard labor? You get hot and sweaty, right? That's exactly what happens to blood vessels. All that work feeding these new cancer cells produces additional heat creating "hot spots". These hot spots occur long before any tumor cells even begin to grow. MORE BLOOD FLOW = MORE HEAT!!! (REMEMBER THIS POINT…IT IS VERY IMPORTANT.)
The ideal early warning system would detect both the pre-cancerous changes occurring in the breast and the first cancer cell formations. Digital Thermal Imaging, or Breast Thermography (ther-mog’-ra-fe;), has the ability to detect the temperature, or more importantly, actually see the HOT SPOTS associated with chemical and blood vessel changes in pre-cancerous as well as cancerous breast tissue. Consequently, Breast Thermography can be the first indicator that a cancer may be forming or present; and in many cases from 4-10 years before it can be detected by any other method, including mammography.
· All women are at risk of breast cancer. · 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime...This rate has more than doubled in the past 30 years. THIS MEANS 1 IN 8 OF THE WOMEN YOU KNOW WILL BE DIAGNOSED WITH BREAST CANCER…AND THEY MAY BE DIAGNOSED TOO LATE! How many diagnoses will that be? How many deaths? · Breast cancer is the most common cancer in women. · Breast cancer is the leading killer of women ages 35 to 54...Did you know many of these deaths may have been avoided if DETECTED EARLIER!! · Breast cancer in women under 50 is more aggressive and virulent (aka, DEADLY).
· 70% of breast cancers occur in women without a family history of the disease.
· Despite modern technology, breast cancer deaths have not decreased significantly in more than 40 years. The main reasons for this are: 1. 90% of breast cancer cases are diagnosed with a palpable (Detected by hand) lump...usually too late (tumor has been growing for about 8 years). 2. Large numbers of women are without screening tests until a palpable lesion is felt. 3. As a stand-alone screening test, mammography misses approximately 20% of all cancerous tumors (false negatives). 4. The majority of breast cancers revealed by mammography are not detected early enough. · 25% of women die within the first 5 years and 40% within 10 years of their diagnosis.
· Over 90% of women diagnosed in the earliest stage of cancer are alive 5 years later, unfortunately only 58% of breast cancers are diagnosed at this early stage. · Most cancers take 8-10 years to grow to 1 cm in size, but it only takes 1.5 years more to grow to 3.5 cm. THAT MEANS IT TAKES ALMOST A DECADE FOR A COMMON TUMOR TO GROW TO THE SIZE OF A PEA, AND FROM THAT POINT ONLY ABOUT 18 MONTHS TO ACHIEVE THE SIZE OF A GOLF BALL. · No one procedure or method of imaging is solely adequate for breast cancer screening.
Do you dread the thought of putting your tender breasts in a cold, metal, vise-like machine that mashes, flattens and squeezes them without mercy. . . I am writing this from the male perspective and I can’t imagine any of my “more sensitive” areas being squeezed by anything!
In September 2000, a large-sample, long-term Canadian study proved that an annual mammogram was no more effective in preventing deaths from breast cancer than periodic physical examinations for women in their 50s.
The study was co-authored by Cornelia Baines, a professor of public health sciences at the University of Toronto and appeared in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute. In the study of almost 40,000 women ages 50 to 59, half received periodic breast examinations alone and half received breast examinations plus mammograms. All learned to examine their own breasts as well.
By 1993, 13 years after the study began, there were 610 cases of invasive breast cancer and 105 deaths in the women who received only breast examinations, compared with 622 invasive breast cancers and 107 deaths in those who received breast examinations and mammograms. "They found smaller cancers, but ultimately the mortality rate was the same, said Suzanne Fletcher, a professor of preventive medicine at Harvard Medical School. She added that cancer screening programs are built on the assumption that "finding it earlier is finding it better . . . This study questions that assumption."
In fact, true early detection would be better, but by the time a tumor has grown to a sufficient size to be detect by either a mammogram or a physical examination, it has been growing for several years, and achieved more than 25 doublings of the malignant cell colony (That means the tumor grew by about 2500% before it was detected...and in this study it was detected too late for 212 women).
Current Status of Breast Cancer Detection—
Right now, our frontline strategies for detection still depends essentially on clinical and self-examination and mammograms. The limitations of mammography, with its reported sensitivity rate often below 70% (7), are well recognized. Even the proposed value of self-breast examination is now being questioned (8). While mammography is accepted as the most reliable and cost-effective imaging modality, its contribution continues to be challenged with persistent false-negative rates (this means not seeing a cancer that is actually there) ranging up to 30% (9, 10).
Mammography Facts and Figures
Positive points:
· Mammography can detect cancer earlier than physical examination.
· In mainly slow-growing cancers, mammography can detect tumors in the pre-invasive stage.
· Mammography is an anatomical imaging procedure; consequently, it has the ability to locate the area of the tumor.
Negative points:
· Mammography cannot detect a fast-growing cancer in the pre-invasive stage. · Mammography has an overall 25% false positive rate (false indication that a cancerous tumor is present) which leads to unnecessary and painful biopsies.
· 85% of mammography-initiated biopsies are negative.
· Mammography has an overall 20% false negative rate (missed cancerous tumor) in women under age 60 – and up to 40% in women under age 50 due to breast density.
· Large, dense, fibrocystic, or enhanced breasts cause reading difficulties.
· The examination can cause discomfort (and sometimes blatant pain) due to compression of the breasts.
· In most women, there are areas of the breast that cannot be visualized with mammography.
· According to the 1998 Edition of the Merck Manual, for every case of breast cancer diagnosed each year, from 5 – 10 women will needlessly undergo a painful breast biopsy. Statistically, this means that any woman who has annual mammograms for 10 years has at least a 50% chance of having at least one biopsy--even if she never develops breast cancer.
* Breast cancer is the most common cancer of women, and the risk increases with age (1).
* Risk is also higher in women whose close relatives have had the disease (i.e., mother, grandmother, aunt).
* Women without children, and those who have had their first child after age 30, also seem to be at higher risk.
However, EVERY WOMAN is at risk of developing breast cancer. Current research indicates that 1 in every 8 women in the US will get breast cancer in their lifetime (1).
Studies show up to a 61% increase in survival rate when breast thermography and mammography are used together (2).
Thermography is able to detect a pre-cancerous state of the breast, or signs of cancerous growth at an extremely early stage. This is possible because of its unique ability to see and monitor any changes in heat and temperature. These “HOT SPOTS” are signs of FUNCTIONAL changes (MORE BLOOD FLOW) that are produced during the earliest stages of tumor development (2,3,4,5,6).
However, thermography does not have the ability to pinpoint the location of a tumor. Consequently, digital thermography’s role is in addition to mammography and physical examination, not in lieu of. Thermographic scanning of the breast, SHOULD NOT & DOES NOT, REPLACE mammography and mammography does not replace Digital Thermal Imaging, THE TESTS WORK TOGETHER IN HARMONY. Since it has been determined that 1 in 8 women will get breast cancer, we must use every means possible to detect cancers when there is the greatest chance for survival.
Proper use of breast self-exams, physician exams, thermography and mammography together provide the earliest detection system available to date (2,4,5,6). If treated in the earliest stages, cure rates greater than 95% are possible (2, 3). . .
(I hope you’re still thinking of all the women you know who can really benefit from thermography.)
(Normal Image) (Severely Abnormal Image)
In 1972 the Department of Health Education & Welfare released a position paper which stated that "thermography, in its present state of development, is beyond the experimental state as a diagnostic procedure (and that was 30 years ago)." In 1982, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) published its approval and classification of thermography as an adjunctive diagnostic screening procedure for the detection of breast cancer (20 years ago). In 1993, it was reported that improved images from infrared systems were strongly related to breast cancer prognostic indicators. In 2002, we now have the most advanced infrared thermal (heat detection) imaging available with the newest digital camera system.
Now young women, women with small breasts, women with breast implants and women in general have a screening test available which provides a 100% Safe, 100% Pain-Free, and highly accurate (digital technology) adjunct to mammography!
Thermographic breast screening is brilliantly simple…
Digital Thermal Imaging is not a substitute for mammography. Breast Thermography is a way of monitoring breast health over time. Every woman has a unique thermal (temperature) pattern that should not really change over time, just like a fingerprint.
Thermography detects changes in tissue that appear before and accompany breast disease including cancer. These changes may be circulatory or inflammatory.
Breast thermography has the ability to warn women up to 10 years before any other procedure that they may be at risk for breast cancer thus, allowing for true preventative treatment and support.
THERMOGRAPHY AS A RISK INDICATOR FOR BREAST CANCER—THE RESEARCH As early as 1976, at the Third International Symposium on Detection and Prevention of Cancer in New York, thermography was established by consensus as the highest risk marker for the possibility of the presence of an undetected breast cancer. It had also been shown to predict such a subsequent occurrence (11-13). The Wisconsin Breast Cancer Detection Foundation presented a summary of its findings in this area, which has remained undisputed (14). This, combined with other reports, has confirmed that thermography is the highest risk indicator for the future development of breast cancer and is 10 times as significant as a first order family history of the disease (15).
From a patient base of 58,000 women screened with thermography, Gros and associates followed 1,527 patients with initially healthy breasts and abnormal thermograms for 12 years. Of this group, 40% developed malignancies within 5 years. The study concluded that "an abnormal thermogram is the single most important marker of high risk for the future development of breast cancer" (16). Spitalier and associates followed 1,416 patients with isolated abnormal breast thermograms. It was found that a persistently abnormal thermogram, as an isolated phenomenon, is associated with an actual breast cancer risk of 26% at 5 years. Within this study, 165 patients with non-palpable cancers were observed. In 53% of these patients, thermography was the only test which was positive at the time of initial evaluation. It was concluded that:
[1] A persistently abnormal thermogram, even in the absence of any other sign of malignancy, is associated with a high risk of developing cancer, [2] This isolated abnormal scan also carries with it a high risk of developing interval cancer, and as such the patient should be examined more frequently than the customary 12 months, [3] Most patients diagnosed as having minimal breast cancer have abnormal thermograms as the first warning sign (17,18).
Thermography detects physiologic or actual functional changes. Mammography detects anatomic or structural changes like tumors and cysts. Physiologic changes ALWAYS come before anatomic changes, and thermography thus offers an opportunity for early detection, intervention and prevention.
Thermography and mammography are complementary because they are looking at different aspects of your breast health. Thermograms are looking for the physiologic changes in breast tissue; which may indicate a risk of developing cancer in the future. Mammograms search for tumors and growths that have already developed but may not yet be noticed during a self-breast examination.
NO. Thermography improves the chances of detecting fast-growing, active tumors in: [1] Intervals between mammographic screening,
[2] When mammography is not indicated by screening guidelines,
[3] For women under 50 years of age, and
[4] In other cases in which mammography is not the preferred method.
BREAST THERMOGRAPHY GUIDELINES FOR EARLY BREAST CANCER DETECTION Statistics indicate that 15% of all breast cancers occur between the ages of 20 and 44, this number is rising fast (19). However, there are no guidelines for the use of sensitive detection imaging during these years. With the addition of Digital Thermal Imaging (breast thermography), women in this age group have a Safe, Painless, and Sensitive procedure that they can add to their regular breast health check ups. The following thermographic guidelines for early breast cancer detection include careful breast monitoring during these years:
Breast Thermography GuidelinesInitial thermal scan by age 2020-30 years of age – every 3 years30 years of age and over – every year
Why, then, is mainstream medicine not insisting that every woman have a thermal scan? Because, many may not be aware of the latest advances in technology or simply do not know about the benefits of thermography...Doctors are human too and are not experts in everything.
Also, the radiologists who read and interpret mammograms are highly skilled and educated. They are the absolute experts in the field of breast anatomy and detecting any STRUCTURAL abnormalities (i.e., tumors, cysts, etc.) Unfortunately, FUNCTIONAL or physiologic evaluation of the breast may be foreign to most mammographic experts.
Approximately 35 years ago a study was launched in the United States that attempted to evaluate the effectiveness of breast thermal imaging. This study determined that thermography, during that stage of technological development, was too dependent on the technician doing the exam and was therefore not 100% reproducible. Many doctors still believe this to be so, even today.
It is interesting to note that during this same time period bone density testing fell under the same cloud of ‘reproducibility’ suspicion. At that time the measure of female bone mineral content was very technique dependent and fell out of favor with mainstream medicine.
NASA and the military are in large part responsible for the refinement of both bone density testing and thermal imaging. Bone mineral is lost in space due to weightlessness and must be monitored to safeguard the astronauts. Thermal cameras are used to guide space crafts and missiles. Now that these state-of-the-art thermal cameras are available, they naturally found their way into clinical use.
Both Thermal imaging and Bone Density Testing have followed the same course of progress and both are now accepted as routine clinical imaging procedures.
Mammography cannot detect a tumor until after it has been growing for years and reaches a certain size. Thermography is able to detect the possibility of breast cancer much earlier, because it can see the early stages of Angio-genesis. REMEMBER: Angio-genesis is the formation of a direct supply of blood to cancer cells, which is a necessary step before they can grow into tumors of size…This is what thermography can see! And if thermography points to an area of concern (abnormal function), mammography and the expert radiologists may be able to pin-point its size and location (abnormal structure) with greater accuracy.
The procedure is quite simple and easy. First you’re given instructions of certain things to avoid before your scan. For example:
· Taking a hot shower at least 4 hours prior to scan, · Using creams, lotions or deodorants that may mask your real thermal patterns, · And a few others
It is critical to the outcome and quality of the scan, that you follow these instructions to ensure the most accurate thermal image.
Then, on the day of your scan you’ll complete the standard intake forms and sign an informed consent. You are then taken to a changing area where you disrobe from the waist up, including all jewelry around your neck, and you are placed in an examination gown until it is time for you to begin to acclimate. The acclimation process allows your skin temperature to equilibrate to the surrounding air temperature. It is simple but very, very important.
The acclimation process begins with you seated. You then lower the gown to your waist and place your hands behind your head. You will cool in the room for approximately 10-15 minutes and then, with your arms still raised, images will be captured of both breasts from the front and from the sides. That’s it!! The whole procedure takes about 15 minutes. There is no pain, discomfort or radiation of any kind. The scans are then read by at least 2 experts in breast thermography ...these specialists are always doctors.
It is vital, that you seek a facility that has experience, provides you with good information and a quality study if you are to be properly evaluated. The Thermography Department at Alternative Healing Arts Center in Howell, MI is headed by Dr. William N. Dudley, who teaches other doctors around the world how to perform and interpret thermographic scans. He is a Diplomate of the American Board of Clinical Thermography, helped establish and is President of the ACA’s American Chiropractic College of Thermology, is a member of the Michigan Chiropractic Society, and has been actively practicing chiropractic medicine since 1957 and thermography since 1975 (that’s 27 years of thermographic experience). He has performed thousands of thermographic examinations over the years. Dr. Dudley is the only Board Certified Thermographic Expert in the entire state of Michigan.
He helped to establish the International Thermographic Society and served as its first President (you can visit at Dr. Dudley continues to lecture and teach to this day. He has trained many of the thermographers in the United States.
Since early detection is the only thing that will save your life, and those you love, you have never been in a better position to protect yourself (and all those women you know) with the help of breast thermography. Now that you know this, it is your duty and responsibility to share this knowledge you’ve discovered.
Until recently, our facility has accepted patients on a referral basis only. It is our responsibility to get this information to as many women as possible, before it’s to late for them.
Breast thermography is 100% SAFE (No Radiation), 100% PAIN-FREE (No Squeezing or Contact), takes less than 30 minutes to complete and very affordable (under $200).
Are you wondering what your scan may look like?
SPECIAL REPORT Code: (A) 684-OF-1000
Please call (800.736-9405) right now to make your appointment. DON’T HESITATE, DON’T DELAY, and DON’T PUT THIS ONE OFF. . .
Thank you very much for your attention and we hope to be hearing from you very soon…early detection does save lives!!
Alternative Healing Arts Center 120 State Street Howell, MI 48843
If you would like us to send this SPECIAL REPORT to a friend or family member call our office at (800.736-9405) and we’ll mail it to them, for free.
When you call to make your appointment have your SPECIAL REPORT Code ready. You will be eligible to receive a complimentary copy of our breakthrough and comprehensive home guide “Locked & Loaded—Protecting Your Breasts Against Cancer!!”
The following reference list may be further researched at your local library or on the Internet.
References 1. American Cancer Society – Breast Cancer Guidelines and Statistics, 1999-2000 2. M. Gautherie, Ph.D.; Thermobiological Assessment of Benign and Malignant Breast Diseases. Am. J. Obstet. Gynecol., 1983; V 147, No. 8: 861-869. 3. P. Gamigami, M.D.; Atlas of Mammography: New Early Signs in Breast Cancer. Blackwell Science, 1996. 4. J. Keyserlingk, M.D.; Time to Reassess the Value of Infrared Breast Imaging? Oncology News Int., 1997; V 6, No. 9. 5. P.Ahlgren, M.D., E. Yu, M.D., J. Keyserlingk, M.D.; Is it Time to Reassess the Value of Infrared Breast Imaging? Primary Care & Cancer (NCI), 1998; V 18, No. 2. 6. N. Belliveau, M.D., J. Keyserlingk, M.D. et al ; Infrared Imaging of the Breast: Initial Reappraisal Using High-Resolution Digital Technology in 100 Successive Cases of Stage I and II Breast Cancer. Breast Journal, 1998; V 4, No. 4 7. Sickles EA: Mammographic features of "early" breast cancer. Am J Roentgenol 143:461, 1984. 8. Thomas DB, Gao DL, Self SG et al: Randomized trial of breast self-examination in Shanghai: Methodology and Preliminary Results. J Natl Cancer Inst 5:355-65, 1997. 9. Moskowitz M: Screening for breast cancer. How effective are our tests? CA Cancer J Clin 33:26,1983. 10. Elmore JG, Wells CF, Carol MPH et al. Variability in radiologists interpretation of mammograms. NEJM 331(22):1994;1493 11. Amalric, R., Gautherie, M., Hobbins, W., Stark, A.: The Future of Women with an Isolated Abnormal Infrared Thermogram. La Nouvelle Presse Med 10(38):3153-3159, 1981 12. Gautherie, M., Gros, C.: Contribution of Infrared Thermography to Early Diagnosis, Pretherapeutic Prognosis, and Post-irradiation Follow-up of Breast Carcinomas. Laboratory of Electroradiology, Faculty of Medicine, Louis Pasteur University, Strasbourg, France, 1976 13. Hobbins, W.: Significance of an "Isolated" Abnormal Thermogram. La Nouvelle Presse Medicale 10(38):3153-3155, 1981 14. Hobbins, W.: Thermography, Highest Risk Marker in Breast Cancer. Proceedings of the Gynecological Society for the Study of Breast Disease. pp. 267-282, 1977. 15. Louis, K., Walter, J., Gautherie, M.: Long-Term Assessment of Breast Cancer Risk by Thermal Imaging. Biomedical Thermology. Alan R. Liss Inc. pp.279-301, 1982. 16. Gros, C., Gautherie, M.: Breast Thermography and Cancer Risk Prediction. Cancer 45:51-56, 1980 17. Amalric, R., Giraud, D., et al: Combined Diagnosis of Small Breast Cancer. Acta Thermographica, 1984. 18. Spitalier, J., Amalric, D., et al: The Importance of Infrared Thermography in the Early Suspicion and Detection of Minimal Breast Cancer. Thermal Assessment of Breast Health (Proceedings of an International Conference), MTP Press Ltd., pp.173-179, 1983 19. American Cancer Society – Breast Cancer Guidelines and Statistics, 1999-2000 20. Haberman J: The present status of mammary thermography. In: Ca - A Cancer Journal for Clinicians 18: 314-321,1968. 21. Hoffman, R.: Thermography in the Detection of Breast Malignancy. Am J Obstet Gynecol 98:681-686, 1967 22. Stark, A., Way, S.: The Screening of Well Women for the Early Detection of Breast Cancer Using Clinical Examination with Thermography and Mammography. Cancer 33:1671-1679, 1974 23. Hobbins, W.: Mass Breast Cancer Screening. Proceedings, Third International Symposium on Detection and Prevention of Breast Cancer, New York City, NY: pg. 637, 1976. 24. Hobbins, W.: Abnormal Thermogram -- Significance in Breast Cancer. RIR 12: 337-343, 1987.