Sony Discontinued Products

Sony has recently announced they will be discontinuing their print media listed below on March 26, 2011. All Sony discontinued products can be replaced with new printers.

Please order additional packs now or call us for great deals on replacement printers.



Product NameCurrent Printer SeriesReplacement PrinterMedia
UPC-3010UP-3000 SeriesUP-25MD, UP-D25MD, A6 color printerUPC-21L, UPC-21S
UPC-5010A/2UP-5000, UP5200UP-55MD, UP-D55MDUPC-55
UPC-5020AUP-5000, UP5200UP-55MD, UP-D55MDUPC-55
UPC-1010/1 UP-1200, UP-1800MD UP-25MD, UP-D25MD UPC-21L, UPC-21S
UPC-2010/4UP-2000 Series PrinterUP-25MD, UP-D25MD UPC-21L, UPC-21S
UPC-2020/4UP-2000 Series PrinterUP-25MD, UP-D25MD UPC-21L, UPC-21S
UPC-5510UP-5500, UP-5600MDUP-55MD, UP-D55MDUPC-55
UPC-5510CUP-5500, UP-5600MDUP-55MD, UP-D55MDUPC-55

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